It is an honor and privilege to have been selected as one of the recipients of the Lisa Walker travel grant in
Spring 2023. I would like to extend my gratitude to you and the grant committee for your efforts in funding
such an opportunity.
With the Lisa Walker travel grant I was able to attend the Geothermal Rising Conference (GRC) held in Reno,
Nevada in October 2023. This conference is an annual coming together of key members and stakeholder of
the geothermal community. As I had attended the conference for the first time, I was able to meet and
engage with these important players in the geothermal industry, some of whose works I have followed in my
own career in the geothermal power industry.
As I graduated from the Tester Geothermal group in the Robert Frederick Smith School of Chemical and
Biomolecular engineering in May 2023, I am grateful for the support of this travel grant that has allowed me
to expand my horizons and connect with many visionaries in the energy space.
Again, thank you for your continued support of graduate students and post-doctoral fellows and for the
thoughtful and generous gift.