Women’s Outreach in Materials, Energy and Nanobiotechnology
April 20, 2024
WOMEN Outreach is a one day event for female high school sophomores to explore the world of science and engineering. Eligible 10th grade female students are invited to participate in a variety of hands-on science activities lead by current Cornell graduates and undergraduates. The event, which spans morning and afternoon, also includes an optional campus tour and financial information for parents (see previous presentation on careers in chemical engineering and on college admissions and financial aid). At the end of the day, students and parents attend an informal Q/A panel to ask current undergraduates and graduates about their experiences being a science/engineering student. This event is free to attend and breakfast, lunch, and dessert are provided!

Students have fun!
“It was very fun, the hands-on experience was awesome.”
“It showed me things I didn’t know.”
“It was fun to learn with my parents.”
Parents have loved it over the years!
“It was very enjoyable to learn and share the experience with my daughter.ā
“I enjoyed the labs. They demonstrated easy to understand concepts.”
“I enjoyed working with my daughter. Iām very proud of how intelligent she is.”
Event Flyer
Apart from our main W.O.M.E.N. Event, we do take part in institute-wide outreach events focused on traditionally under-represented groups. We conduct sessions in the Diversity Programs in Engineering (DPE) run CURIE and CATALYST Academies each summer. We have also run demonstrations at Expanding Your Horizons in the past. If you have any suggestions for us regarding outreach opportunities, please leave us a message via the form below.
Reach Us
Our general meetings take place every month at Olin Hall, Cornell University
113 Ho Plaza
Ithaca NY 14853