We are pleased to announce the Spring 2021 Lisa Walker Travel Grant! This award funds female members of CBE for travel for unique professional development opportunities up to $500.  Applications and letters of recommendation should be sent directly to Xin Wang (xw543@cornell.edu), and are due Friday, May 7, 2021.

A couple of changes are made in light of the ongoing situation with COVID-19:

  1. While university travel is restricted, we are modifying our Lisa Walker Travel Grant to help cover the cost of virtual conferences, such as registration fee. To be eligible, applicant must be accepted as a presenter. The grant will cover the cost or a portion of the cost outside of the coverage of Conference Travel Grant program from the Graduate School, e.g., your second conference of the school year (details of Conference Travel Grant program can be found on https://gradschool.cornell.edu/financial-support/travel-funding-opportunities/).
  2. Lisa Walker Travel Grant for this semester is not restricted by the ‘one time’ rule (each student is eligible to receive this award in each category only once). Female members who have received the grant prior to the semester are still eligible, and members who receive the Spring 2021 grant are eligible for future applications.
  3. To better support our female members, we encourage our female members to communicate with us about the cost that is associated with your professional development. We are happy to provide funding within the frame of Lisa Walker Travel Grant.
  4. Travel must follow all New York state and Cornell requirements.
Additional details are below and attached.
Who: Women of CBE
What: Funding for travel for unique professional development opportunities up to $500
Where: Anywhere in the world
When: Submit application by Mar 12, 2021. Results by Mar 26, 2021. ‘Travel’ between Jan 1, 2021 to Aug 31, 2021.
Why: Encourage collaborations! Enable future career opportunities! Facilitate new research directions! Prepare for your post-Cornell career!
How: The generous donation of alumna Lisa Walker.Opportunities funded:
1. Specialty Conferences

  • ex: Gordon Research Symposium, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics Conference, The Advanced Automotive Battery Conference, etc.

2. Collaborative research

  • ex: industrial internships, research internships, collaborative research, field work

3. Other non-conference events such as training or classes

  • ex: Cold Spring Harbor, start-up management workshop, on-site experience


  • Applicants must be female members of CBE, and priority will be given to PhD students. MS students and postdocs will be considered with an additional justification of why they are well suited for this award.
  • Travel must occur within the 12 months following the application due date.
  • Each student is eligible to receive this award in each category only once

Application Package:

1. Statement of Intent (up to 1 page)
2. Recommendation letter from faculty advisor (and collaboration advisor if applicable)
3. Itemized budget (separate page)
4. CV

Please see the attached document for more details, and let Xin Wang (xw543@cornell.edu) know if you have any questions.