by Xin Wang | Feb 3, 2021 | News
We are pleased to announce the Spring 2021 Lisa Walker Travel Grant! This award funds female members of CBE for travel for unique professional development opportunities up to $500. Applications and letters of recommendation should be sent directly to Xin Wang...
by as3832 | Jan 17, 2021 | News
CBE Women organized its first virtual social on Monday, November 23rd. We had a beginner crochet workshop led by Julia Caserto from our department. In the workshop, we made scarves to keep us warm this winter! PFA a beautiful scarf crocheted by one of our participants...
by ak2566 | Sep 23, 2020 | Events, News
Join CBE Women next Friday (10/02/2020) for the Career Seminar with Dr. Allen Yang. Sign up here! CBE Women Career Seminar 2020
by Andreia Fenley | Aug 28, 2020 | Events, Highlights, Socials
CBE Women had our first event of the semester, with attendees making Dalgona coffee and chocolate-coated bananas over Zoom. The food came out well after some hiccups and it was a lot of fun connecting and doing an activity together over Zoom!
by bb675 | Jul 2, 2020 | News
The CBE Women Committee would like to thank everyone who contributed and attended the 2020 Virtual WOMEN event. Thanks to your efforts, despite the challenges of COVID-19 restrictions the event was a wild success, and for the first time we were able to reach out to...